Kristofer Eriksson
Accountant – Business SupportWhat is the best thing about your job?
The best thing about my job at Visit Sweden is that it is a good mix between independent work and teamwork with colleagues, as well as that it is relatively flexible and you can control your time to some extent. As an economist, I think keeping the numbers in order is of course one of the most satisfying things. But also getting to meet all the nice colleagues who are here in the Stockholm office and out in the world.
What makes Visit Sweden a fantastic workplace?
It's an exciting work environment, great team spirit and it feels like there are fine development opportunities within the company. It also feels like everyone gets to express their opinion, and that everyone is really needed to do what we are doing. Additionally, the Stockholm office have fresh premises located in the center of Old Town, which makes it even better.
What surprised you the most when you started working at Visit Sweden?
Since Visit Sweden and the industry was completely new ground for me, there were many words and concepts that were new at the beginning and that alone was very interesting. But what surprised me the most was probably that there were so many different departments within the company, which work so hard in different areas to market Sweden as a travel destination. Everyone has the same goal and yet very different perspectives.